Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Soften & become more expansive

I've been doing a lot of Anusara® Yoga lately, and am so grateful for the practice.

In reconnecting with Anusara®, I've had the chance to read some writing/blogging from teachers and folks in the Anusara® community, and came across Elena Brower's blog post - the Mindful Smack.

Today, she's talking about some core Anusara® teachings that are in line with the I>E>S heirarchy of Intrinsic Coaching® (which works with best thinking, intrinsic thinking).

Soften and become more sensetive, not because you "should", but because, when you do, there's more expansion, more resources, more aliveness, more to work with, more, more, more... more there than what's merely apparent.

For me, the combination of the clarity of thinking the intrinsic brings, along with Anusara®'s system of working with my body, mind & soul brings an aliveness and connection to Grace & God, that is humbling and mind-blowing.

So often we travel through our moments, barely breathing, literally & spiritually "hunched" and contracted. What would happen if we were all softer, more senstetive, fully alive?

Check out Elena's post & video here...Mindful Smack: Inviting http://thedailylove.com/mindful-smack-inviting/

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